Sunday, August 15, 2010

Clifton Park

Harvest Chapel missions and outreach team joined several churches in a great outreach in Baltimore yesterday, (Saturday.) It was an incredible blessing, of course! Perhaps, I can fill you in more later, rushing off to finish packing for Mexico. We're leaving at 3 AM!! We will visit 3 orphanages and the colonies (where people live in card-board boxes. We'll feed them and minister the gospel...looking forward to the miracles to follow.

In Baltimore near Clifton Park, (yesterday,) we prayed for a few ladies on methadone for their freedom from that and from alcohol. It was incredible how the Holy Spirit helped us break up a fight; He just drew them (the two ladies who had been fighting) away from each other as we were praying and interceding for them. Yay!! Violence prevented!! God is incredible! We also prayed for some young men on bikes, speaking life into them. It was effective; they came to the event (a Holy Ghost "block party")and it wasn't for the food; they turned that down. Please pray for Fred. He wouldn't tell me what his burden is, but we will just believe God for him, that he will cast his cares upon the Lord and trust Him.
And we'll trust God for freedom for the ladies' deliverance from methadone and alcohol, in Jesus, AMen! Thank you for partnering with me in prayer for His kingdom come and His perfect will being done, in Jesus!! Amen. Amen!