I recently had an opportunity to visit some ladies in Harrisburg, PA so I decided to join Gideon for outreach that same day. The third Saturday of the month Richie Lewis heads up a ministry team and outreach at Allison Hill and it's always a blessing how various evangelism teams from different churches in the area come together as the body of Christ operating in unity yet with utilizing their diverse gifts for the kingdom at hand. I've always marveled how many lives are touched and changed at these outreaches, so I wanted to investigate further.
Before we hit the streets and during our prayer time we break into groups and pray for Divine appointments and for Words of Knowledge. This gives us clues to whom the Lord would have us minister and how He'd like us to minister. As we're walking to the assigned area, led of the Holy Spirit (the Lord told us “Derry Street,”) I asked Him why this “method.” The response I heard was one Word, “poignant.” I had to check the dictionary for a more clear picture.
The root word means to prick or pierce. Two effective definitions are following:
1. keen or strong in mental appeal: a subject of poignant interest.
2. affecting or moving the emotions: a poignant scene.
Synonyms are:
1. intense, sincere, heartfelt. 4. piquant, sharp.
Interestingly enough, we found everyone on the list on Derry Street (the most populated area we walked), a woman with red boots, a man with fire on his hat, another woman with gold chains around her neck and gold earrings. Words of knowledge were for deliverance and for burdens to be lifted. We met James and prayed for deliverance from alcohol. We ran into a guy whom we (RAVENs)had prayed for 2 years ago for freedom from alcohol and now he is truly free. Other prayer requests were for sons in the military and for help with disaster clean up.
Other outreaches have been in Hanover, Glen Rock and York. We prayed for Bob for healing from blood clots in his lungs. He experienced the fire of God touching him and his whole family witnessed the power of God healing him. We're still praying for full recovery of his lungs. Please pray for him.
We've also been doing a lot of hospital ministry this winter. Please keep in prayer for continued recovery, wholeness, and restored function, total restoration for George Ganyon (cancer), Herm Jackson, Bill Fisher (respiratory), Ken Laughlin, (Ida) Gorsuch (gall bladder,) and Dan Bosley, Sr (cancer).
There have been some interesting encounters with gay and lesbian people as well. We're praying for them to receive revelation knowledge of God's Truth and perfect will for their lives....we ARE still preaching holiness is the standard for heaven; therefore, grace is NOT a cover for sin or a license to continue in it, but Christ and His grace is freedom and power to be delivered from sin and all unrighteousness, and that the only way to holiness and heaven. Amen.
Eph 3:20,21 Now to Him being able to do exceedingly above all that we ask or think, according to the power working in us,to Him be the glory in the assembly in Christ Jesus, to all the generations of the age of the ages. Amen.