Sunday, December 7, 2008

William's Grove Speedway

Bob and Marianna live near William's Grove Speedway. Some of my family members used to race there, but not any more. (My brother-in-law, Keith, had a stroke at 40 years old, ending his racing career.)

Still, it's exciting to visit this place, the Mobile Park next to the speedway, where there's lots of construction.

Ravens: Gideon, Marianna and myself took bread, potatoes, and yogurt to the residents in William's Grove Trailer Park where Bob and Marianna have been witnessing and testifying for the past few months.

We prayed for a believer of strong faith whose having mouth surgery soon, but the surgery is dangerous because of a medication (cumidin) on which she could bleed...possibly to death if the blood does not clot. (Cumidin is a blood thinner).

Another lady invited us in, but shewed us out quickly after confessing that we don't partake in celebrating Halloween. Another church had thrown them a Halloween party at the trailer park. But we asked, "if Christ comes back tonight, are you ready?" They think they are, but don't even read the Bible. If they don't hear, how will they know the way?

Another young believer was really struggling in her faith due to a troubling ex-husband who is controlling and perhaps, even terrorizing.) We encouraged her in the Word, and testified to God's power in our lives to deliver and protect us from evil, how His promises are true, but that she must draw near to the Lord for that assurance and peace. She must "believe" His promises are true and be built up in the faith through enduring and learning to rejoice in this trial.

Finally, we visited a young woman who was raised in the Methodist faith and attends church to please her mother, but Missy likes wicca, believes in salvation by good works, and worshiping nature. She spent an immense amount of time complaining about religious "Christians" who hate gay people and about all of the hypocrites in the church and how Wicca "just feels good..." She hates the fact that a tree will be chopped down. (Yeah, if it doesn't produce good fruit, we replied.) And she has a problem with the fact that the Bible says men are over a woman: "God first, then man, then woman." I explained the how the woman was taken from the rib of Adam and made, yes, second, under his wing-the rib. But she scoffed, feeling that she's the protector--perhaps, even "stronger vessel." We explained the difference between "religion" and relationship, and how all doctrine is good and profitable for teaching. We tried to explain a a how Father's love chastens the ones he loves, and she admitted that she'd spank her child if he ran in front of a car. We brought all these issues and concerns to the cross-saying plainly this, "that's why Christ died."

Marianna tried to explain how Jesus is love and how much he loves her. She said, "I know, I know." I had to cut right to the point at that, "I know" and responded, "No you don't. If you knew the the truth and knew Jesus, you wouldn't be in rebellion to Him and His ways. All you want to do is complain and feel good."

She claims to be happy. Just then, her Wiccan friend shows up to take her shopping.

She left the door open for us to visit again--no hard feelings at my blatantly calling it what it is-rebellion and lies.

It had been snowing as we ministered at this trailer and we endured until our fingers, toes, and noses were frosty, but went in for shelter, fellowship and a warm comforting drink with Bob and Marianna. We were able to encourage one another in the Word and pray together before leaving. Roads were icy at spots, but the Lord brought us home safely. PTL!

We thank Jesus for the blood, His Word of Truth, and His grace and mercy, and the hope-even our faith-that His Word never returns void (Is 55:11) Amen.