Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Thy Will be done in Harrisburg

"Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." (Matt 6:10)

Gideon and I went to the streets in Harrisburg Sunday night, but started by packing cookies at a room on 13th Street.

Pastor John and Romona and their friends David and Sherry offer prayer and help at a little outreach center on 13th street, called "Lazarus," where they invite the homeless and needy to come in for warmth, prayer, the Word...and a few other basic needs. A formerly homeless man, John, just got a place to stay. He came in and received a fleece blanket and some cookies. We had little baggies filled with Christmas cookies and took coffee, hot cocoa, socks and caps to a local church where the homeless wait outside from dusk until the the doors open to provide shelter for the night (usually around 8pm.) Various churches in the city take turns opening their doors to provide shelter for the homeless each night. At 6 a.m. the people must head back out to the streets. It was 13 degrees Fahrenheit and windy. Near the church door, in the corner, and along the wall we talk to mostly sober and sound minded people-the few to whom we spoke confess to be believers. One fellow from Africa quotes Scripture--not just half of this verse, as some do, but the whole:

Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

What we find is that many claim to love God, but are not truly serving His purpose and His perfect will, but are serving their flesh.

This fellow, Simeon, from Africa would not share his story, but said he would be homeless until he was ready, and until the lost things were found, and the things out of order were put in order. He seemed incredibly well-spoken, but would not confess his plight. Simeon, from Cameroon, needed gloves and we had none (except the ones on my hands and he didn't want them-too small and too pretty.)

We made a second trip out and stopped in the alley next to the church this time. Here, on the other side, were the intoxicated. Charlie was depressed and wanted prayer, but did not want to give up his 6 pack of beer. He said he's serving Jesus and he's saved. His belief-Jesus drank "wine." Several others had the same excuse for being drunk. I told them it was grape juice (new wine) that Christ partook and that the Word says drunks won't make it into heaven (Gal 5:21.) Here's what Christ said: repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand--repent--that means turn from your wicked ways!! That means change your mind. There's a better way! After hearing the Word of Truth profanities flew out of his mouth about this terrible world and how this is hell on earth. "This is hell!" is what Charlie thinks.

My question, then why did Jesus teach us to pray this way, "thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven?"

re: the wine at the wedding feast-
The wine at the wedding, Christ's first miracle provided for them a "better wine"--"good wine."
Joh 2:10 And he said to him, Every man at the beginning sets forth good wine, and when men have drunk well, then that which is worse. You have kept the good wine (G2570) until now.

The "good wine," better wine was described in Greek as morally better, valuable and virtuous.

Of uncertain affinity; properly beautiful, but chiefly (figuratively) good (literally or morally), that is, valuable or virtuous (for appearance or use, and thus distinguished from G18, which is properly intrinsic): - X better, fair, good (-ly), honest, meet, well, worthy.

We talked about a better way, that life more abundant (John 10:10,) but Charlie chooses to continue suffering.

It seemed like one guy was ready to hear the Word and Truth, but time was up.

At the place on 13th street, we prayed for two fellows who came into the kingdom that night and we prayed for Romona's pet scan-that she be healed and free from cancer. Praise God, He is able!
Praise God --we believe she is free;
And we wait for the good report!
In Christ Jesus,