Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Wonderful Day in York, PA

It has been a wonderful week in the Lord!
Gideon, Scottie and I went to Pine Street and then to Maple Street.
We prayed for Mr. John for healing from arthritis and his sister prayed for us. Mr. John was stronger with less pain and was able to walk up and down his steps a few times. Praise God in Christ Jesus!
Lots of children came for bread and especially for the sweets! Some were fighting over the sweets so Gideon and I intervened and it became a kid's church lesson.

At Maple Street, some children did not know Jesus, so we had kid's church again. I had the pennies with crosses and one of the girls lost hers, so everyone set out to find the lost penny. The lesson was to search for Jesus and His Way more than money!

We also visited Mika, who was babysitting a whole bunch of neighborhood children for her friend who was in the hospital having twins! We're praying for these births and families.

Before leaving we ministered extensively to a Moslem man showed up to visit Mika. His mom is Christian and his dad Moslem. He chose to be Moslem. After a lengthy discussion, he couldn't deny the love of Jesus and the need for a Savior-Christ, the Messiah, the One and Only perfect sacrifice forever. Alot of twisted misperceptions about Christ were brought to Truth by the Word of God, such as Psalm 22, that God did not forsake Christ. (He thought that Christ had blasphemed the Father, while on the cross. He admitted that he needs to repent for his pride (and perhaps, his works mentality.) He heard the truth. Now, we'll wait and see what happens with that seed.

We thank God for His provision, His love, and the Holy Spirit.
Thanks to Pastor Deb from Harrisburg for the food!