Friday, August 8, 2008

The Raven at the Well

There were bunch of young men playing hackey sac at the spring where I go for water. It's down this windy back road, between a few farms, so I asked the kids where they are from.
"Wow, you sure as a lot of questions."
"Well, yeah, let me ask you this: are any of you Christians."
They all answered no.
Kyle said he doesn't care if he's going to hell. A few mocked, saying that Christ smoked pot. One played a song on his phone -mocking God. A few had questions and seemed serious about wanting to know the truth. A few listened, but two of them walked the other way.
Some stayed and
They heard the truth.
They were all warned.
They heard a testimony- of miracles, of the glory of God.
They asked for proof.
I said, All of creation breathes that God is real
and continued to testify
the Word:
that Christ came into the world as the light
Just then the sun came out from behind the clouds in magnificent wonder as I testified of God's glory-the Truth
that's when the two wanderers came back, cussing... chaos...they gathered their friends, packed into the little car and drove off...

Thunder rolled
as I cried to the Lord and prayed for them as they drove off
A dark cloud followed them.
And I know He will continue to knock on their hearts
and send witnesses.
if only they would let Him in.

Still, we can be confident of this
He hears our prayers (1 John 5:14).