Monday, July 28, 2008

What a Weekend in PA!

Praise God for a double portion!
Pastor Sam and I prayed for a lady named Dawn;
She walked by the Inner City Mission (Pastor Frank's) in Philly
and called out for prayer, so we stopped her.
She wants free from the drugs and the hooking but she doesn't have enough faith.
Pastor Brandon and Lucy said the hair stood up on her arms as we prayer for her.
We saw her later. She had changed her clothes.

On Kensington Square:
Doris got healed from rheumatoid arthritis
Some other churches from the area offered to help her with tough love support
to help her home situation.
Malcolm gave up his alcohol addiction and anger
He and his girlfriend, Jill, made a commitment to give up pre-marital relations
they each received Bibles- and hope to get married soon.
We prayed for strength and shelter, and their devotion to God's way.

...We're still praying for deliverance for Gabe and his friend for deliverance from heroine, from the lies and deception of "humanism" and false doctrine, from the traditions and philosophies of men, and that they would know the Truth. We preached it-they need it: The Word never goes void. Amen?

Later, in the park:
Patty and John prayed for deliverance from her gambling addiction and that they will find a way back to Delaware.

A very angry young woman let me minister to her for some time, until she calmed down. She received the Word and prayer for healing and deliverance, asked me for a Bible, and later apologized to the Pastor for her behavior. The ladies son also asked to know Christ better and received a Bible.

We ended the day in worship with Carmen, Jayme, and a gospel singer (from the park).
How good it is to worship our Lord in Spirit and in Truth, in Word and deed, and in Song!
Thank you Jesus!
All glory to God!

-maple street in York-
I was covered and surrounded with kids from the minute we got out of the car until clean up time...even then, Quasear needed his bandage fixed. Meghan ministered first aid. We worshiped in song. We made bean soup with long green beans from a tree (pretending). Meg and I got our hair done in twists and braids and pulls...ouch! (Lucy kept saying 'poor meg!') We loved it. Scotty and I hit the streets to invite the neighbors out for food. The kids helped! Wilma (Theresa's mom) refused to come back to God and get rid of her anger at having been homeless, without help-and now "stuck" on maple street, with more problems-Lord, how can we help her? Lord, will you soften her heart?
The guys fixed bike chains (several times). We prayed for deliverance from heroine addiction for Robert and another younger guy. It's the second time we've prayed for Robert-the Holy Spirit was really working on him-I pray he stays strong and the Lord takes him out of there-somewhere else. I just keep seeing that house that he walked back into-the notorious drug house. My heart's broken.
Many more houses are boarded up and vacant.
Lord, thank you for Your Word and Your promises.
Thank you for the hope of Calvary.
Thank you for the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for dying so that we could live.
Thank you for the food and the help,
In Christ Jesus our Lord.