Sunday, March 7, 2010

Downtown Baltimore

I'm so grateful for God, Janet, Al, Pete, Charmain, Sharon, Pastor Sam, and all the people praying for our outreaches in Baltimore. Last night's outreach was incredibly blessed! Al made about 50 ham sandwiches and bagged lunches with snacks and chips for homeless people. I thought I was going to Fell's Point, but Janet called with a list of places where the homeless hang out. We ended up on Calvert Street and Lexington and then headed to “the Block” where there's a row of strip clubs. We witnessed to several doormen and then a few “drunks.” The first drunk was Rudolph, who knows he's not living for God and says he wants freedom and strength to “get it together.”

On the block, one guy was crying, devastated that his wife is in jail. He wouldn't say why. Pete prayed for him until he stopped crying. Later, we prayed for several other guys who need freedom for drugs: Victor and Theardus. We really feel like God moved on behalf of these people, especially Victor. We're believing God for freedom, salvation and provision for them. Please keep them in prayer. The only other name I can remember right now is Solomon. God knows who needs what, so we just thank Him for all He's done and for His blessing on our efforts to serve Him. All praise and glory be to Jesus Christ, the one and only true God, all glory and power, forever. Amen! Thank you again for your prayers and praise God! Amen. Amen!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Furious Love

“Furious Love”

Imagine that your walk home from work every day is through the part of town where with a few hundred bars and hundreds of prostitutes line the streets. Jesus Christ, Perfect Love died for them. He loves them and wants to set them free from this slavery. Christ, in His teachings, talked about how prostitutes are coming to salvation quicker than the people (the church) whom he has called to serve him who disobey His commands (Matt 21:31).

Tuesday, I met with a young man in military service to our country. He was stationed in Korea where the base is right next to the part of town much like the “red light” district. He said, “it makes the Las Vegas look like Sunday School.” I can only imagine that it's like this movie that I saw on Sunday.

This move, “Furious Love” showed evangelists going into areas like this all over the world to minister the Gospel( Not only are these people witnessing in the “red light districts” all over the world, but they also have ventured to Witchcraft and New Age Festivals. What stands out about this ministry is the testimony that their first instinct was to go in as warriors equipped for the “war-zone” and ready to fight the Spiritual battle, but, they found this approach ineffective. It didn't work. So, they prayed and sought God asking what to do different...the Holy Spirit said, “love them.” It worked! Demon worshipers, witches, and pagans received prayer, experienced the love of God, and called on the name of Jesus Christ for salvation.

Seeing the lost masses, living in darkness, should compel us to “Go into all the world” as Christ commanded (Mark 16:15, Matt 28:18-20). Knowing that we have military living and working adjacent to streets inundated with sexual immorality and perversion should compel us to pray for them more, and especially to pray for our counties' leadership and for souls.

We praise God knowing that the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overtake it (John 1:5). We praise God that all who receive him have been give authority to become children of God (John 1:12, 13,) to be born of God. Therefore, we pray, that believers all over the world would daily seek first God's kingdom and His righteousness (Matt 6:33,) that they would daily seek fellowship with other believers (Hebrews 10:25,) and that they would boldly proclaim the Good News to the ends of the earth. We pray for confidence in the body of Christ, that like Christ, believers everywhere would seek to save that which is lost (Luke 19:10). And we trust that God will do exceedingly, abundantly more than we ask or imagine. Praise God in Christ Jesus, for resurrection power. Amen

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Act 2:38 Then Peter said to them, Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ to remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Al, from Baltimore, is an awesome servant of the Lord. He loves to help people, takes care of an elderly woman with COPD, cooks, and helps with homeless outreach. Sunday, February 28th, Al was baptized for the remission of sins, in accordance with the Word and the example that Jesus set for us.

Praise God for Al dedication to serving Jesus.

R.A.V.E.N Baltimore!

Nancy and I went to the Baltimore Power Plant to share the love of Jesus: the Truth and the Word of God, "repent!" There are about 6 bars in this area and lots of people who call themselves Christians who line up to party it up for the night and then attend church or confession the next day. We ended up praying for the police, the door man checking I.D's and one young man, Alex, a professing Christian, who was unequally yoked with his girlfriend. Alex and his gal turned from the bar scene and went the other way. We can only hope that the conviction of the Holy Spirit touched their hearts and turned them back to God.

We plan to head to Baltimore Inner Harbor area the 1st and 3rd weekend of every month to do ministry. As of now, we usually go on Saturdays. Eventually, we'd like to revisit Fell's Point, also, perhaps on Friday nights. Another favorite ministry spot in Baltimore is the Helping Hands outreach at the Daily Bread on Guilford Avenue on Sundays. Many eagerly receive prayer and many have come back to tell us that God has provided: jobs, healing, apartments...all praise and glory to God!

Please pray for the lost and dying in Baltimore, especially "Popeye,"(Dennis) who lost two of his friends this winter to the cold conditions. Pray for his deliverance from alcoholism. Thank you.

You are welcome to join us. If interested email